




Automatic gold machine is actually selected automatic centrifugal gold gold equipment, some manufacturers also called Nelson centrifuge or centrifugal separator, a variety of names, is actually a kind of gold centrifuge equipment which choose gold equipment manufacturers, different structure, more or less will have all the same, gold crown - automatic machine mainly for the production of heavy [gold, tin, zinc, tungsten, mercury, silver, molybdenum, zirconium ore as raw ore and tailings] extraction recovery, is crown heavy after 20 years of processing machinery production experience, summed up the advantages and disadvantages of Nelson centrifuge and vertical centrifuge, by using fixed double measuring bearing reduced due to uneven feeding caused by machine vibration, reduce and avoid the damage of the centrifuge, increase the service life of the machine, allowing the sand or mud pump Ore feeding reduces the mud concentration and increases the recovery rate of ore dressing. With PLC computer control system, the correct rotation speed and centrifugal force can be selected according to the specific gravity characteristics of different ores, so as to achieve the highest recovery rate and the maximum processing capacity. Is the latest environmental protection gold equipment, is also a portable gold equipment.




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